The Click is a product from Fost Plus.

Who is Fost Plus?

Fost Plus organises and finances the recycling chain for household packaging. Fost Plus is responsible for selective collection, sorting and recycling of PMD, paper-cardboard and glass via bottle banks. Fost Plus aims to provide a recycling solution for all packaging that enters the Belgian market. We recycled 90% of all household packaging in 2021. To close the gap to 100%, the first step is to make sure the packaging is actually collected. When packaging ends up as litter, the materials are lost to the circular economy. They can no longer be recycled into secondary raw materials to make new products or packaging.

The companies behind Fost Plus have been working to combat litter for many years. Despite this, there has still been no lasting solution to the problem. That is mainly because litter is caused by a behavioural problem. The aim was to achieve widespread, and lasting behavioural change through an innovative, contemporary digital system based on a reward mechanism. The result was the Click.


fostplus logo

The companies behind Fost Plus have been working to combat litter for many years. Despite this, there has still been no lasting solution to the problem. That is mainly because litter is caused by a behavioural problem. The aim was to achieve widespread, and lasting behavioural change through an innovative, contemporary digital system based on a reward mechanism. The result was the Click.

Want to know more about fost plus? Check here.